
It is important for me to know the person that I am working with. I spend a lot of time understanding your specific problems and needs. I will help you understand your unique compensatory cheat pattern and explain the typical injury risk and limitations in your swing, associated with your pattern.

Activations will be performed on you for Zones 1, 2 and 3. You will be given specific home advice and self-activation programmes. The aim is always to empower you by helping you understand how your body is compensating and how to maintain an optimal 1-2-3 movement pattern, not only in golf but throughout your life.

Clients are generally seen for 4-6 sessions of 60 minutes each, so as to work through the basic activation program. Follow up sessions are arranged as per your needs and vary accordingly. My aim is always to resolve problems and provide long term solutions.

For elite golfers and tour players, follow up sessions may be arranged on a more regular basis. Here the aim is to constantly help to maintain an optimal 1-2-3 firing pattern in order to improve performance and limit injuries. Next, I add activations to restore Visual Field discrepancies, training with the ‘Butt Bungee’, level 2 activations, expansion techniques, activation on the course or practice area, and mind vs body training etc.